biodegradable services Australia
I get it, we are all over the buzz word “zero waste.” “All you have to do is X, Y, Z and you will be zero waste like me or just buy these products to be zero waste.” The list honestly goes on and on and on and for most of us, changing habits is hard without being shamed for how we live our life.

Being a Mum to 2 small boys, I know that for right now zero waste is not a thing I aspire to become because honestly, I do not even know where to start. So my focus is to limit my waste as much as I can and build on that as time goes by.
I have created a few of my own saving tips below to help you minimise your waste and save money.
I have so many jars at our house, but it is fantastic. I use them to store absolutely anything. From food through to cleaning or just storage. They are handy to have and come in a range of sizes depending what I have purchased. Since they are glass, I can just was and reuse over and over again. Saving me money from buying actual storage containers.
I have cut up old clothing that wasn’t good enough to donate into rags/ cloths that we use around the house for anything and everything. It is an extremely cheap way to get cloths without purchasing.
I make all our sprays from scratch using household products like white vinegar, witch hazel, lemon, bi carb soda just to name a few. This keeps my grocery shopping down by not needing to restock and just making my own when I need it. I also prefer to use these products around the boys to minimise exposure to harsher chemicals.
I thoroughly enjoy having a nice hot tea or coffee, joking, I am a Mum, pretty sure they are always cold! Anyway, one of the ways a minimise waste with my drinks is for tea, I only ever buy tea leaves rather than a bag. You will find they are relative in price, but I always seem to get way more drinks out of the leaves than if I was to use a bag. By doing this I then only have the packet the tea comes in as waste, rather than bags every.single.cup. For coffee, I buy in bulk, yes it is more money up front but most of it is cheaper than buying the smaller coffees regularly.
It took me a bit to convert, but now I have, seriously I cannot get enough! I use them for everything and they keep food super fresh! You can get a variety of colours and you just use them over and over again. It sure beats using cling wrap once and throwing it out.
For me, my aim is to watch what I buy. I once came across a saying “we buy our waste” and ever since I heard that it has made me mindful of what I am buying to just throw out.
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